Cloud functions rate limit

Hi @here is there any rate limit apply in moralis cloud functions?. Why I am asking because currently i have a one single cloud function for the moralis DB query like EthNFTOwners from which I want to get all of the nft owners based on the watched address (I have added some wallet address of my users with moralis sync wallet address).
Now i want to use the moralis cloud function to query the data from EthNFTOwners for my watched address with moralis. So is there any limit on queries or cloud function side. like if I have more than million of users so what would be happened then for query as well as for cloud function limits?

thare isn’t a limit on cloud functions, but it will be limited by the power (CPU mostly) of current Moralis Server

so whenever the cloud function is created it will be runnig/listning all the time right ?

a cloud function is only code that will run on server when a http request is made