Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

You may need to add !important to the end of each style so it overrides any existing ones.

For the background, look at the App.jsx and find the style props for Layout. That is where you can add a background colour. This is where I was able to change the background colour to red at the time I made that comment (you have to do this in another place for the Footer because they are separate).

Iā€™ll have another look at the boilerplate if you still have issues finding it and give you the line numbers.

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where all the listed items will show up after listing for sale because i canā€™t see it in the explore page ?

Would really appreciate it. I tried for another couple hours & havenā€™t been able to come up with a solution. Apologize, im not the most experienced front end developer.

Also would appreciate it if you could show the proper placement for the footer as well. Thank you for the help!

In App.js, at line 65:

<Layout style={{ height: '100vh', overflow: 'auto', background: 'red' }}>

For the footer, at line 116:

<Footer style={{ textAlign: 'center', background: 'red' }}>
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The error Iā€™m seeing there is you didnā€™t sign the transaction. You have to sign the transaction, did the MetaMask window show up?

Do you see your existing collection on the Explore page? Your listed NFT(s) should still be there.

Thank you so much, appreciate you taking the time to help.

Can anyone please explain why only 10 NFTs show under the ā€œexplore market tabā€ when a specific collection has more than 10 NFTs created?

i did it still does not seem to like the networkā€¦ and there by i am unable to create the smart contractā€¦ let me send you a video shortly

is there a max limit of 20 for useMoralisWeb3ApiCall in the free tier? I am asking because I am trying to fetch 200 NFTs but I am only getting 20 NFTs

as you can see i am signing into metamask

here is the network setting for the polygon network ā€¦ i feel it does not like it

I am not 100% sure this will work but try adding the mumbai testnet using the and then reconnect with remix

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Does this happen on another network?

Hereā€™s a few things you can try and then try deploying again, if it doesnā€™t work move onto the next one:

  • try a different Mumbai RPC like
  • clear browser cache
  • reset your MetaMask account - Settings > Advanced > Reset Account
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No, the limit of 20 is just hardcoded by default with this boilerplate. You can change it from two files:


chain: chainId,
address: addr,
// change the limit
limit: 100,


// get rid of the slice so just map NFTTokenIds directly
{inputValue !== "explore" &&
            NFTTokenIds.slice(0, 20).map((nft, index) => (

Thanks, it worked. I wasnā€™t changing the number inside the slice :slight_smile:

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Is there a way to add the ability for users (not me the contract deployer) to create their own NFT collection or launch their already created collection and list that collection directly on the marketplace? Like automatically add it into the collections.js file or some other method? I want to allow people to create or add their own NFT collections uncensored & with no need for me to approve or add their collection to the collections.js manually.

thanks will give this a go

could you show proper syntax for adding an image as the background as well? not just a color

launch their already created collection and list that collection directly on the marketplace? Like automatically add it into the collections.js file or some other method

You could save collections e.g. through a form that a user submits which is saved to your Moralis server in a Class, and then pull the list from your server instead of collections.js.

Is there a way to add the ability for users (not me the contract deployer) to create their own NFT collection

You would need a premade contract in place where the user could deploy it with their own wallet e.g. using a name, or IPFS link for ERC1155), and then maybe have another page for minting to it, uploading to IPFS.

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