Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

Hi, I tried your code and there seems to be an error

failed to compile.

Module not found: Canā€™t resolve ā€˜ā€¦/Truffle/build/nft_create.jsxā€™

Hi joteo,

Youā€™re right: file was at that position in file-tree , but ignored by .gitignore !
I have replaced and renamed it to abi.jsx in same folder as InputForm.jsx ā€¦


Thank you, it looks awesome :star_struck:

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when am done with this tutorial, can i use the clone for commmercial purposes

Hey guys, is there a way to ā€œbatch callā€ a smart-contract function in 1 transaction with Moralis or web3? Or the only solution is to create a proxy contract?
Thanks in advance!

Also, thanks for the nice minting addition @CasNWK ! I might grab it as well :slight_smile:

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HELP :smiley: PLEASE I posted the problems I am having here ethereum-boilerplate-NFT-Marketplace please check out so I donā€™t repost same info in here and get hit for spam.

You can see the Create Market Item transaction went through but the boilerplate is not showing the NFT for sale and I cant buy it from another

Hi @BooneBergsma,

Have you synced the smart contract with your Moralis server and if so are the newly listed items showing up in your DB in the MarketItems class? The boilerplate queries you DB to check whether or not the item is for sale on your marketplace, hope this helps.


Sorry to hear the trust wallet issue, it may be that at the time of building this tutorial the ethereum-boilerplate had some issues with trust walletā€¦ can you check if it works fine on the latest ethereum-boilerplate :crossed_fingers: and if it works on there bring it over to your marketplace repo?

Hi @Ednut,

You are free to fork this project and work on it as you wish as long as you follow the MIT licence doc that is provided in the repo as well :slight_smile:

Hello All,
I have a collection of around 5000 NFT, I put the address in opensea and all shown but when I put the same address in your NFT Boilerplate project at collection code, it only shows 10 NFT under Explorer Market but show all under your collection tap (because all mint in the same account), now my NFT collection shown on opensea, shown on Your Collection but only show 10 of them under Explorer Market? even though it said Collection Size: 5000 in Explorer Market but only display 10 NFT?
any idea please?

Thanks. I did sync and it shows in the DB

but still not showing up in the boilerplate app Market tab or Transaction tab

Please share any help you can here ethereum-boilerplate-NFT-Marketplace still canā€™t figure out why the NFT is not showing for sale even though the Create Market Item transaction did happen on chain. HELP NEEDED!!!

Is Lazy-minting added or possible to add?

It should be possible to add with Moralis, the difference is you just need to have the tokens stored in DB instead of deploy them to the blockchain :raised_hands:

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It is possible to display all 5000, but it will take a while to load, under

{inputValue !== ā€œexploreā€ &&
NFTTokenIds.slice(0, 20).map((nft, index) => (

onClick={() =>

simply delete ā€œ0,20ā€ from NFTTokenIds.slice

and also taking away the limit from useNFTTokenIds.jsx

under this line of code

} = useMoralisWeb3ApiCall(token.getAllTokenIds, {
chain: chainId,
address: addr,
limit: 10,

Thank you very much joteo,

it works now but takes like ages to load? what I have done is:

NFTTokenIds.slice(0, 5000).map((nft, index) =>ā€¦

and set limit to 5000

} = useMoralisWeb3ApiCall(token.getAllTokenIds, {
chain: chainId,
address: addr,
limit: 5000,

but first I got undefined collection, and got following message:
message=ā€œUnable to fetch all NFT metadataā€¦ We are searching for a solution, please try again later!ā€

then load all NFT but as I said it takes long long time?
Is there any way to reduce the time of loading? lets say I divided my collection to 1000 and then put each under different image and name but the problem is all 5000 have the same address? so it will load the same 1000 in each collection?
any suggestions I really appreciate itā€¦


Have you followed along the tutorial or just working with the final code repo? The final code repo queries a class called ā€œMarketItemsā€ as opposed to ā€œCreatedMarketItemsā€, so you will have to change the class you are querying in the NFTTokenIds.jsx and NFTMarketTransaction.jsx like so:

const queryMarketItems = useMoralisQuery("MarketItems");
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Hi @ennng,

You could do something where you use the offset parameter with the limit parameter in the token.getAllTokenIds() web3Api call.

Say you set the limit to 20 and offset to 20 initially and then have a ā€œLoad Moreā€ button on your site. Every-time it is pressed you do a new token.getAllTokenIds() call with offest = current offset + 20. Then just concatenate the result to your already fetched NFTs and display this on the NFT collection page :slight_smile:

Hello, not sure Im missing something, but it seems that once you list an NFT on the marketplace for sale, its stays there until its bought, I dont see anyway of withdrawing / canceling the sale so that the NFT is transferred back to the user/seller wallet?

Hey @ClintonK,

Yes the boilerplate, doesnā€™t have this built in, but people in the community have had the same idea and added this functionality themselves. You could start by checking this post :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!

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