Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

yes pulling in traits would be great im up for helping as much as I can

Hopefully paginated or with a SHOW MORE button at the bottom.

Hello this is something you will have to implement. You can read this on removing the limit of 20.

Moralis API responses are limited to a page size of 100, so for a collection of 500 NFTs you would have to make 5 requests to get all of the data (unless you save/cache all of this data first e.g. to your Moralis server and then query it).

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Under YOUR NFTS by default the VIEW ON BLOCK EXPLORER link takes you only to the entire collection contract…same with the entire collection page.

To have it take you to that particular nft token trxn hash

under :
src\components\NFTBalance.jsx (for Your NFTs page - around line 180)
src\components\NFTTokenIds.jsx (for entire collection display page - around line 253)

use this instead and it will take you to the exact NFT token ID trxn hash (this is written for BSC adjust to your blockchain explorer) This can also be used on the entire collection display page…maybe we can add this to there in the repo?

                <Tooltip title="View On Blockexplorer">
                    onClick={() =>

ah thats above my pay grade. as it appears there is no rhyme or reason as to how they are displayed (all out of order by tokenID) so that would have to be fixed first and then pagination added…

my collection has 10,511 LMAO

why in the world does this not work on vercel?

any guidance there as far as adding ENV Variables etc?

can inspect here:


Everything works okay, but after listing a nft it doesn’t show up in the explore page. It does show up in the transactions page.

This can also be used on the entire collection display page…maybe we can add this to there in the repo?

This boilerplate isn’t receiving updates anymore, but there is an Ethereum Boilerplate v2 coming out, so there may be another OpenSea or marketplace version of it based on it as well.

as it appears there is no rhyme or reason as to how they are displayed (all out of order by tokenID)

Yes the results may not be in order. This is an example if you wanted to save all of the NFT data for your collection to your server (so you can just query it however you want e.g. sorted by tokenId).

any guidance there as far as adding ENV Variables etc?

You will need to follow the Vercel docs on how to add environment variables; each provider e.g. Netlify, Vercel, Amazon have their own way of handling secrets.

Make sure your app works locally first (serving your build folder from npm run build or yarn build with a local webserver).

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Do you see your collection show up on the Explore page in general (when your wallet is on the right chain where the contract is)?

Make sure the collection is defined in helpers\collections.js.

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Thanks, never thought about defining collections! Good night and thanks for the fast reply <3

yes added environment variables to vercel. but still getting this error

react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js:216 NoMoralisContextProviderError: Make sure to only call useMoralis within a

react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js:260 Uncaught NoMoralisContextProviderError: Make sure to only call useMoralis within a

2022-07-28 (1)|690x388

Try hardcoding the serverUrl and appId in your <MoralisProvider> component just to make sure this is an issue to do with the environment variables.

Hi ser,

Everything was working fine. And today, it’s impossible to connect to the marketplace… each time you authenticate, it asks you to re-authenticate, so no balance etc… However, I did not touch anything

Is your server awake? If it is, try restarting it. Check your browser console for any errors.

Ok work well now… Thanks

Hey guys,
I am trying to create an event sync in Moralis but I am unable to select the topic and hence, unable to proceed. Please help.

Are you using the admin UI? Make sure you copy in the whole ABI of your contract to get a list of the topics available.

The error resolved. Thanks!

I listed my NFT successfully but cannot see it the “buy now” option. I checked on etherscan and I see the create market Item by the contract.

Also I have the contract address and ABI in MoralisDappProvider.js

I am hosting my own server (parse server)

Do you have the market item in your MarketItems class / table? This is the buy now code that depends on it.

no it’s not there… is this database still valid with my own server?