Class level permission

I had ā€œadmin roleā€ class level permission in EthTransactions table.
For testing, I removed the admin role permission and now I am unable to add the same admin role ā€œwriteā€ and ā€œaddFieldā€ permissions again.
Please advise. how to add the admin role permission to the same table again
Thank you.

how did you remove the role? how are you trying to add that role now? you are using the dashboard interface or code?

I did through dashboard, interface. I just unticked write and addField tick boxes for admin role and saved. The role.admin permission was removed from the table.

I would expect it to work from the dashboard, can you paste the server url/subdomain?

what admin role, is a new role that you added?

do we need any server upgrade?
I donā€™t see coreservices role in some table,

the roles are not related to any server upgrade

I remembered now that the dashboard interface has a bug on roles and you have to hard refresh it, in case that the issue is that you donā€™t see how to add a role.

with admin role you mean coreservices role?

when I look now on that server for EthTransactions it looks like coreservices role is added and I donā€™t see any other role besides coreservices on that server

Yes I was able to add the coreservices role in EthTransactions, table, but there are other tables EthTokenTransfers, EthBalances, Ethā€¦ related tables have role:admin permissions.
Iā€™m not sure how it would be working, even there is no admin role currently in Role table.

Thanks for your time and answers.

I can see that role admin now for EthTokenTransfers, Iā€™m not sure yet how it works. Do you know how to connect directly to mongo db to see exactly what it is in mongo db saved as class level permissions?

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