Catch events from smart contracts on the backend side

Hello, I’m working on a project where I need to catch events from smart contracts on the backend side.
The “Sync and Watch Contract Events” functionality seems to be what I need.
But I have a few questions.

I added a smart contract event for tracking and wrote a web hook that sends a request to my server.
Everything works well. But sometimes there is a situation when the backend may be unavailable, an error occurs when trying to send a request to an unavailable server, these errors are visible in the logs in the dashboard. The event from the smart contract was recorded in the database, but due to the unavailability of my backend, it did not reach me.

Is it possible to get missed events automatically somehow?
I was running tests using Eth(LocalDevChain) ganache with using a free data plan and I was unable to get the missed events.

It is very important for me to catch all the events on the backend. Including those that were formed while the backend was unavailable.
Does moralis has such functionality?

the response from discord:
you can add a flag for when you sent an event successfully, and retry for those events that don’t have that flag, you can run a job for that or try it on the next event if a lot of events get triggered