Cant Sycn BscBalance & BscNFTOwner

Thank you Ivan
the error is when checking BscBalance
i see on job log is write like this
"Invalid JSON RPC response: “Unauthorized”

do you get that now too?

Yes ivan this is

do you get this also now?

Yes ivan
i think the problem is
they can read user BscAddress
so BscNftOwner not update and Balance not update too

on the Jobs show sycn Invalid Address

Can you start a new server and send us the URL we will copy everything to a new one

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Done Ivan this is new

Thanks sent to the team!

We have now copied over your configuration from the old one to the new one. Make sure to update the server url and appId in your frontend to the new one and try it out. :+1:


Thank you very much
i will check it and try it

Dear Capplequoppe
Done i try sign in
but no Class

what must i do ?

It will repopulate for each user that authenticates that own NFTs on Bsc

on this server i get this on job Status
i try create NFTS on BSC Test Net

i create sample NFT with frontend,
Success but BscNFTOwner not showing class

i think the problem is JSON RPC unautorhized Like that
the job can read the BscNFTOwners

Thanks. Looking into it right now. Will let you know as soon as I have an update

May be this can help brother

or maybe i wrong on this code ?

<script src=""></script>

No something is up with your server. I am looking into it

i try on the front end is good
API is good
maybe some thing got error on the read
from ethAddress to bscAddress

I found the issue. It should be working for you now for new users :partying_face: