Can't get NFT metadata for several weeks

I receive a transaction where this contract is involved, but I cannot get the metadata for it.
This happens to you sometimes, but within a short period of time it was solved.
But I have been waiting for this contract for a couple of weeks.

Сontract address: 0xfceed70c8e9f38a0c3a0062d40d0ab06493063a1
Token ID: 1
Chain: eth

if getting

  "message": "No metadata found! Try again later"



it looks like the contract doesn’t implement the expected interfaces for an nft contract and that is why it is not recognised as an nft

As far as I understand, this is an ERC-1155 contract.
Moralis doesn’t support it?

It is not deleted by etherscan either as erc1155. We support erc1155 when they implement the expected interfaces specific to that standard

Do you mean “It is not detected …”?

yes, I made a typo there, it is not detected