Cannot verify signature in php

I can verify signature when using metamask(standlone) .
The issue is that signature(from moralis user authData) cannot be verified if we use authenticate() method;

const user = await authenticate({ signingMessage: "Messagge" });

if ( user ) {
    // verifySignature is mapped to PHP endpoint for verification
    await verifySignature(,

PHP Side

     try {
                $messageLength = strlen($message);
                $hash = Keccak::hash("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n{$messageLength}{$message}",256);

                $sign = [
                    "r" => substr($signature, 2, 64),
                    "s" => substr($signature, 66, 64)

                $recId  = ord(hex2bin(substr($signature, 130, 2))) - 27;

                if ($recId != ($recId & 1)) {
                    return false;

                $publicKey = (new EC('secp256k1'))->recoverPubKey($hash, $sign, $recId);

                $derivedAddress = self::pubKeyToAddress($publicKey);
                //echo "\n public key : ";print_r( $publicKey);
                echo "\n param address : ". strtolower($address);
                echo "\n derived address : ". $derivedAddress;

                return strtolower($derivedAddress) === strtolower($address);
       }  catch (Exception $e) {
              print_r($e->getMessage() );
const {web3} = useMoralis();
let signer = web3.getSigner();
let signature = await signer.signMessage('Some data')

signature from this code snippet can be verified by PHP API.

it should work without issues, same code to make the signature is used in the sdk


onst {web3} = useMoralis();
let signer = web3.getSigner();
let signature = await signer.signMessage('message\n\nId: 242422424:335434')

This code is not working when I changed

await signer.signMessage('Some data')


await signer.signMessage('message\n\nId: 242422424:335434')

then it has to be something with the php part, that is only a string that is passed as parameter, maybe it interprets the characters in some way in php, like that \n

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@cryptokid I got it. Do let me try on PHP side.

@cryptokid Without touching PHP side,

The signature I generated on this site(

can be verified by PHP even though signing message is message\n\nId: 242422424:335434.

what is the difference then? shouldn’t be the same signature in both cases if the message is the same?

The difference is that

const {web3} = useMoralis();
let signer = web3.getSigner();
let signature = await signer.signMessage('message\n\nId: 242422424:335434')

The signature generated from above snippet cannot be verified.
The signature generated from “”;
can be verified.

I have no idea why the first one is not working.

maybe it a difference how those \n\n characters are interpreted, maybe sometimes are interpreted as 2 characters, sometimes as 4 characters

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@cryptokid Thanks for your help.It is caused by our PHP script. Managed to solve by improving PHP code.

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