Calling hooks in real world component

these single examples are not real world use caseā€¦
in real appsā€¦ thereā€™s multiple function calls in one component/page

const ShowUniswapObserveValues = () => {
  const { data, error, runContractFunction, isFetching, isLoading } =

  const options = {
    abi: usdcEthPoolAbi,
    contractAddress: usdcEthPoolAddress,
    functionName: "observe",
    params: {
      secondsAgos: [0, 10],

  return (
      {error && <ErrorMessage error={error} />}
        onClick={() => runContractFunction({ params: options })}
        Fetch data
      {data && <pre>{JSON.stringify(data)}</pre>}

being new to reactā€¦ I donā€™t understand calling hooks

my code

const HomePage = () => {
  const [tab, setTab] = React.useState(2)
  ///other states

  if(user && !_user ){

  async function start(){

    const usernfts_ = await getNFTBalances()

  function handleClick(value_) {
    if(value_==1 && _user){

/// other functions


now I need to call a hookā€¦ your examples donā€™t show how to call a hook within a component like thisā€¦

how do I call this hook?

  const { data, error, fetch, isFetching, isLoading } = useWeb3ExecuteFunction({
    abi: _nftea,
    contractAddress: '0x636c5AC57F13DdAB170d4064F0A3EB3f2949B885',
    functionName: "mint",
    params: {
      secondsAgos: [0, 10],

within the component above?

I assembled my mint form

  const handleMint = async (event) => {


    let metaData = new Object() =
    metaData.external_url = ''+_user
    metaData.amount =
    metaData.redeems =
    metaData.redeemfrequency = 'every ' + || 0 + 'days'
    metaData.description =
    metaData.splitwith = || _dead
    metaData.animation_url = _media
    metaData.animation_type = _mediaType
    metaData.youtube_url = || null
    metaData.attributes = []
    metaData.created = new Date()
    metaData.image = _image
    metaData.creator = _user
    metaData.contract = 0x636c5AC57F13DdAB170d4064F0A3EB3f2949B885

    const metadata_ = new Moralis.File("metadata.json", {base64 : btoa(JSON.stringify(metaData))});
    await metadata_.saveIPFS();
    const metadataurl_ = await metadata_.ipfs();

    const dataMint_ = {

      redeemfrequency: || 0,
      payTo: || _user,
      splitwith: || _dead,
      split: || 0,
      youtube: || '0',
      image: _image,
      media: _media,
      metadataurl_: metadataurl_,

now I need to call ā€œfetchā€ in the useWeb3ExecuteFunctionā€¦

      {data, error, fetch, isFetching}  await useWeb3ExecuteFunction({
          abi: _nftea,
          contractAddress: '0x636c5AC57F13DdAB170d4064F0A3EB3f2949B885',
          functionName: "mint",
          params: {
            secondsAgos: [_mintForm.amount,_mintForm.redeems,_mintForm.metadataurl_.charCodeAt(0),_mintForm.ipfs,_mintForm.payTo,_mintForm.splitwith,_mintForm.split,_mintForm.redeemfrequency],

Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function componentā€¦ WTF is this errorā€¦ no matter how to try hooks this comes upā€¦ this is the most frequent error you guys should make a demo on how to call hooks properly

Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component

You need to move this useWeb3ExecuteFunction hook to the top of your function component. That is also not correct syntax, read this.

const HomePage = () => { // or whichever component this is for you

  const { data, error, fetch, isFetching } = useWeb3ExecuteFunction({


You can read this on rules of using React hooks.

you guys should make a demo on how to call hooks properly

This issue is not Moralis specific, you can check out React docs or tutorials instead.

itā€™s a moralis functionā€¦

that code doesnā€™t not workā€¦ call fetch and nothing happensā€¦

useWeb3ExecuteFunction works if isWeb3Enabled is true, so you can add isWeb3Enabled to the dependencies of the hook and check if itā€™s true before calling the fetch. Also try log error from the hook to keep track of the execution status

I donā€™t think you all understandā€¦

you are not using real world examples in your docsā€¦

maybe it works if itā€™s just that one function on the page and nothing elseā€¦

it runs that function and returns the resultsā€¦

when you have a bunch of other functions on the the same pageā€¦ as MOST real world applications haveā€¦ it doesnā€™t workā€¦

it shouldnā€™t be this hard to mint an nft

(web3, enableWeb3, isWeb3Enabled} = useMoralis()
your web3 doesnā€™t expose utils, or .eth so runcontactnative web3 doesnā€™t workā€¦

The docs provides basic examples required to get basic things done which can be built upon to get complex things done.
Since youā€™re using react too, react docs explained in similar way ( basic example that can be used to build complex works )

real world examples would be A LOT more helpfulā€¦
most devs arenā€™t going to have a page with one function on it

Real-world examples are showcased in the weekly project series.

Error: Provided address 5.676064741032766e+47 is invalid, the capitalization checksum test failed, or itā€™s an indirect IBAN address which canā€™t be converted.

What are you trying to do ?

just trying to mint an nftā€¦
have tried it this way

  const [_mintForm, setMintForm] = useState(null)

    const mintnftea = async()=> {
    {data_, error_ fetch, isFetching}  await useWeb3ExecuteFunction({
        abi: _nftea,
        contractAddress: '0x636c5AC57F13DdAB170d4064F0A3EB3f2949B885',
        functionName: "mint",
        params: {
          secondsAgos: [_mintForm.amount,_mintForm.redeems,_mintForm.metadataurl_.charCodeAt(0),_mintForm.ipfs,_mintForm.payTo,_mintForm.splitwith,_mintForm.split,_mintForm.redeemfrequency],
  }, [mintnftea])

form gets submittedā€¦ NFTea gets mintedā€¦

web3, and every other way from your docsā€¦

    const JSONdata = JSON.stringify(dataMint_)
    const endpoint = '/api/mintnftea'
    const options = {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSONdata,
    const response = await fetch(endpoint, options)
    const result = await response.json()

sent it to the back end for the evm to do it

export default async function handler(req, res) {

  const body = req.body

  const functionName = 'mint';

  const chain = EvmChain.GOERLI;
  const params = {quantity_:body.amount,redeems_:body.redeems,data_:body.metadataurl_.charCodeAt(0),ipfs_:body.ipfs,payto_:body.payTo,splitwith_:body.splitwith,splitpercent_:body.split,redeemfrequency_:body.redeemfrequency};
  const address = process.env.NFTEA;

  await Moralis.start({
      apiKey: process.env.MORALIS_API_KEY,

  const response = await Moralis.EvmApi.utils.runContractFunction({

      data: response.result

doesnā€™t work and .charCodeAt(0) doesnā€™t work for the hex converstion

this way

      const {data_, error_, fetch, isFetching_}  = useWeb3ExecuteFunction({
        abi: _nftea,
        contractAddress: '0x636c5AC57F13DdAB170d4064F0A3EB3f2949B885',
        functionName: "mint",
        params: {
          secondsAgos: [_mintForm.amount,_mintForm.redeems,_mintForm.metadataurl_.charCodeAt(0),_mintForm.ipfs,_mintForm.payTo,_mintForm.splitwith,_mintForm.split,_mintForm.redeemfrequency],

then call fetch after the images is uploaded and saved to ipfs


nothing happensā€¦

Regards the first part of the code here, you can get it fixed as Glad mentioned above that hooks should be at the top level.

  const { isWeb3Enabled, enableWeb3 } = useMoralis();
  const [_mintForm, setMintForm] = useState(null);
  const { fetch } = useWeb3ExecuteFunction();

  useEffect(() => {
    const mintnftea = async () => {
      if (!isWeb3Enabled) await enableWeb3();
        params: {
          abi: _nftea,
          contractAddress: "0x636c5AC57F13DdAB170d4064F0A3EB3f2949B885",
          functionName: "mint",
          params: {
            secondsAgos: [
        onSuccess: (res) => console.log(res),
        onError: (err) => console.log(err),
  }, []);

You should fix the dependency hook depending on what and when you want it to fire
You can keep track of the process with the logs from onSuccess and onError

As mentioned in the docs, runContractFunction run a given function of a contract abi and retrieve readonly data.

almost got it goingā€¦

      const {data, error, fetch, isFetching_}  = useWeb3ExecuteFunction({
        abi: _nftea,
        contractAddress: "0x636c5AC57F13DdAB170d4064F0A3EB3f2949B885",
        functionName: "mint",
        params: {
          quantity_: _mintForm.amount,
          redeems_: _mintForm.redeems,
          data_: _mintForm.metadataurl_.charCodeAt(0),
          ipfs_:  _mintForm.ipfs,
          payto_: _mintForm.payTo,
          splitwith_: _mintForm.splitwith,

invalid address or ENS name (argument=ā€œnameā€, value=0, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=contracts/5.6.0)

is there a special way to set addresses in react?
with qoutes, withoutā€¦ doesnā€™t work

Check if the address passed is a valid contract address

You should set it with quotes

invalid address or ENS name (argument=ā€œnameā€, value=0, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=contracts/5.6.0)