trying to call a smart contract function
expect the call to be signed without metamasks, but:
- metamask pops up and offers to sign the transaction
- when I try to sign I get the following error:
<<MetaMask - RPC Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC ‘{“value”:{“code”:-32603,“data”:{“code”:-32000,“message”:“transaction underpriced”}}}’ >>
what am I doing wrong?
document.getElementById(“buy”).addEventListener(“click”, async function() {
const web3 = await Moralis.enableWeb3({ privateKey: "0058233e........e619e3f4795a" });
const contract = "0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506"; // Sushiswap router
const USDC = "0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174";
const USDT = "0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F";
let masterAdres = "0x8/////////////////8904";
const ABI = [................];
const options = {
contractAddress: contract,
functionName: "swapExactTokensForTokens",
abi: ABI,
params: {
amountIn: 1000000,
amountOutMin: 1,
path: [USDC, USDT],
to: masterAdres,
deadline: + 1000 * 60 * 5
try {
const res = await Moralis.executeFunction(options);
console.log("result", res);
catch (e) {