bulkUpdateMany filter by multiple properties

How can I filter by 2 properties instead of only one whe nusing bulkUpdateMany?

Here is my code

//trying to update objects into database or create new ones if not existent
      filter: { symbol: temp.symbol.toUpperCase() },
      update: {
        id: temp.id,
        symbol: temp.symbol.toUpperCase(),
        name: temp.name,
        image: temp.image,
        current_price: temp.current_price,
        market_cap: temp.market_cap,
        market_cap_rank: temp.market_cap_rank,
        fully_distributed_valuation: temp.fully_distributed_valuation,
        total_volume: temp.total_volume,
        high_24h: temp.high_24h,
        low_24h: temp.low_24h,
        price_change_24h: temp.price_change_24h,
        market_cap_change_24h: temp.market_cap_change_24h,
        circulating_supply: temp.circulating_supply,
        total_supply: temp.total_supply,
        max_supply: temp.max_supply,
        ath: temp.ath,
        ath_change_percentage: temp.ath_change_percentage,
        atl: temp.atl,
        atl_change_percentage: temp.atl_change_percentage,
        atl_date: temp.atl_date,
        last_updated: temp.last_updated

What I want is to filterr by symbol and name like this which throws an error

You cannot use [object Object] as a query parameter.

      filter: [{ symbol: temp.symbol.toUpperCase() }, { name: temp.name }],
      update: {
        id: temp.id,
        symbol: temp.symbol.toUpperCase(),
        name: temp.name,
        image: temp.image,
        current_price: temp.current_price,
        market_cap: temp.market_cap,
        market_cap_rank: temp.market_cap_rank,
        fully_distributed_valuation: temp.fully_distributed_valuation,
        total_volume: temp.total_volume,
        high_24h: temp.high_24h,
        low_24h: temp.low_24h,
        price_change_24h: temp.price_change_24h,
        market_cap_change_24h: temp.market_cap_change_24h,
        circulating_supply: temp.circulating_supply,
        total_supply: temp.total_supply,
        max_supply: temp.max_supply,
        ath: temp.ath,
        ath_change_percentage: temp.ath_change_percentage,
        atl: temp.atl,
        atl_change_percentage: temp.atl_change_percentage,
        atl_date: temp.atl_date,
        last_updated: temp.last_updated

I don’t know if that is supported, as a work around you could create another column that has that combination of 2 fields and then filter on that new column.

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that seems like a good workarround which I am gonna try. Thank you

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