Building auto claim bot

Have been trying to initiate a bot for claim in a way that the bot when you send in gas fee the bot will perform the smart contract and then send out the token being staked.

So my question is that i have finished write this and execute this code and no the tx could not be done in a single block…rather it also takes the next block so please anyone what have have gone wrong with that, or is it because am using a free rpc?

Hi @Haxor

Can you please share an example of the transactions you did? That might give us better understanding on what you are doing.

The above image represents a demo of what i mean…
So all am saying is bot that unstake token from pools and sending it out to another wallet address in s single block

Another demo this one is for bsc while the other earlier is etherscan

From what it looks like, multiple transactions must have been signed by a wallet and they were sent to the blockchain as a batch transaction where one transaction got executed after another in a planned way.

I am not sure how it is done but basically, you need to sign the transactions with expected nonce and transaction params so that they look valid when executed at blockchain nodes