Build Your own DAO video

Hey! I am following along with the great video by Moralis: Build Your Own DAO. However, at around the 40 minute mark, i am getting this error message: Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘web3uikit’. I am receiving this message even after installing the proper dependency with this command: yarn add @web3uikit/core @web3uikit/web3 @web3uikit/icons. Any ideas on how to get past this error and resolve my issue? thanks!

As you have updated to the latest web3uikit which now has separate packages, you will need to update the component imports from web3uikit. You can check the docs for which package to use.

E.g. in Home.js

import { TabList, Tab, Widget, Tag, Table, Form } from "web3uikit";

Should now be

import { TabList, Tab, Widget, Tag, Table, Form } from "@web3uikit/core";