Bug in Moralis Lazy mint API with rarible plugin

{“error”:true,“data”:{“code”:500001,“message”:“Cannot generate a valid token ID”,“details”:{

it was working before in my project and sudden api giving error . even i have run moralis example code and it was also working before and now nothing is working. i am 100% it is bug in api

what API are you using? a plugin?

i am using moralis api for minting …
let res = await Moralis.Plugins.rarible.lazyMint({

    chain: 'rinkeby',

    userAddress: user.get('ethAddress'),

    tokenType: 'ERC721',

    tokenUri: 'ipfs://' + metadataHash,

    royaltiesAmount: 5, // 0.05% royalty. Optional


i am using moralis api for minting …
let res = await Moralis.Plugins.rarible.lazyMint({

    chain: 'rinkeby',

    userAddress: user.get('ethAddress'),

    tokenType: 'ERC721',

    tokenUri: 'ipfs://' + metadataHash,

    royaltiesAmount: 5,


this example was working fine too and now sudden nothing is working because moralis API have bug

I am using rarible plugin in moralis for lazy mint.
There is the above error.
how can fix?

can you provide mode info? like what steps did you do to get to that error?

I used it on github

I used it
How can fix?

Seems to be a problem with Rinkeby, the default example here works with Ethereum or eth but not ‘rinkeby’.

I tried using the API as described here: 'Error: Nothing saved to memory card' & 'Invalid JSON RPC response: “Unauthorized”' on using Rarible Lazy Mint Plugin

I have the same error, did you find a workaround?

Make sure to use eth as the chain, Rinkeby has/had issues. And you can try using the Moralis SDK for the plugin as well.

Yes I used Moraliste SDK with the Rarible plugin. How can I do for testnet? eth is for production only

Rinkeby doesn’t work at the moment. Any updates will be posted here.