Blur clone error from moralis youtube channel

To better understand the error you encountered with the “blur clone” and Wagmi in the frontend, please provide more details about the specific error message or any relevant error stack trace. Additionally, describe the steps you took that led to the error and any code snippets that are relevant to the issue. With this information, I’ll be able to assist you more effectively in resolving the error.

In backend

Did you see if there is any WagmiProvider in your code?

noo I didn’t see any WagmiProvider in my code.can you slove this

@vinaylalam You have to wrap your app with WagmiConfig component to use the wagmi sdk.

Please check this wagmi docs on how to setup the WagmiConfig properly with the config param.

sir, I am completely beginner so can you please tell how to make changes in my code

Do you have _app.js file in your pages folder? If yes, is it possible to share the code of it here?

sir this is my app.js file in pages folder

@vinaylalam Since it is a simple app.jsx you can copy the app.jsx code from this docs.

Add the required imports and wrap your app with WagmiConfig. The code in docs also shows SessionProvider component. You will need this if you are using next-auth in your code.

Please try this any let us know if it works :smiley:

I am still facing the problem

Seems like next-auth package is not installed.

You can install it by running npm install next-auth

sir it almost done can you guide me this mistake

Is the import path correct? And also check if abi and contract address are exported from the index.js file.

sir I have done it and created a index.js in contract and copied and paste abi,contract address in it

and for backend I am facing this problem

What is the problem in backend?

sir can you first slove this problem

The text in the image is not an error

sir what about this in frontend

Did you verify if the import path is correct? Make sure the file is exporting correctly.

now got new error sir thank you for helping me but i am facing so many problems in it