Blank screen while trying to see log screen

I had some error during debugging, trying to look at the Dashboard Log Info but the screen is just blank…

Hey @tungtien

We will fix it as soon as possible.
What did you logged? Is it was a big object?

No, I dont think it is a big project code yet…
I had this issue since yesterday, and stuck there till now…
I ve just sigout signIn again, but still can not solve this…

Have you tried to reload the server?

I have loged out, then log in again. Is there another way to reload Server?

OK. I saw the restart and Upgrade button… will try that…

Restarted, Updated… But still blank…

I trying the log syntax like this:"The result is:" + object);

may be the problem with the syntax? or the object is too big?

Yeah, It was able to make this problem. I reccommend you use JSON.stringify() for logging data. Try to change your code and call this cloud function several times. Logs page will be updated and maybe it will work again :man_mechanic:

Now, we are solving problem.


Yes. That is the issue. Solved

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