BEP-20 Token Transfer Error (Unable to locate corresponding Transfer Event Logs), Check with Sender

hello every one can some one help me with that
hash 0x0faf1731621cc500122ced52d0ab58ad1b86f915ba1170d3073a5bc05a920213


Hi @altuk

You can find the event logs under the events tab. Is this what you are looking for?

Always shows those errors how can be solved?

Looks like it’s an error emitted from the contract

Don’t have much further detail, but if you’re doing transfer probably your to address is not valid :eyes: based on the error message

I can send from main wallet but any another wallet its fails. Can i have help with this issues

Unfortunately, we can’t help much in this case as we don’t own the contract. If possible best to contact the contract owner as they might be more familiar with the matter and what’s going on

im the owner of the contract if there is any thing i can do to fix that

Hmmm not sure, can’t find the error in the contract

Were you just calling regular transfer or something else like interacting with Pancakeswap?

Regular transfer in metamask wallet

The error message on this transaction says out of gas. Could that be the reason why your transaction failed?


You could try testing the transfers on bsc testnet and verify how much gas in BNB is consumed. It can give you an estimated gas.

About the gas fees now its ok . Now shows another issue

Can you share this transaction hash?



Do you know why the error message says Pancake ? I dont see any similar error message in your contract code. So this looks very strange.
I dont see any external contract interface in your code too.

Do you have details on which part of the code is returning this error?

i dont know we romove the pool and also same thing

I am not sure how we can help here. Since it is an error somewhere from the used code.

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