Authentication Is Not Working Anymore!


I was Authenticating with Moralis after a while on our current project, and it wasn’t connecting. I checked the logs and here is what I am getting:

System.Exception: Unable to connect to the remote server

Can someone point out at what is going on here? Thank you

Hi, servers were deprecated and removed a while ago. Are you using a self hosted server?

Hello, Yes, I am using a self hosted server

Specifically, this URL: wss://

Please, once you reply, I need a Moralis Documentation about how to migrate walletconnect from v1 to v2. I am using self hosted server with Unity. Whenever I use any walletconnectsharp package v2 it interferes with Moralis and Tons of errors appears. Please let me know if there is any documentation or if I have to ditch Moralis with Unity for Good.

We don’t support unity sdk any more. We have an implementation for wallet connect v2 in the JavaScript sdk but that may not help you.