Authentication flow for mobile app

I have client app on the react native,
and backend on node.js, with Moralis API usage happens on backend.
So, I want frontend do not even know we use Moralis,
I am using @walletconnect/react-native-dapp for connect to walled on frontend side,
but I also want to ask user to sign message/nonce on wallet connection, so I can verify it on the server side using Moralis API.
Is there a possibility to do this ? I can’t find proper tutorial for my scenario, just some web based examples with hooks from wagmi that is not working for react-native

Hey @vingfls,

That should work for sure. As Moralis just provide backend, you are free to use any FE that you want including mobile.

We currently have no tutorials on React Native and likely wagmi is not compatible with React Native. As an alternative, you should check WalletConnect’s native SDK along with some web3js or ethersjs if you’d like to interact with the blockchain

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