Authenticate Issues


Note - when I say refreshed the dapp/page this also means authenticated was called again.

I started with the basic authentication sample. It worked but I noticed that if I refresh the page a few time every other authentication call fails.

I am working on my own dapp for the hacathon and was able to login at first. However now everytime I try to authenticate I receive a 400 with err: {ā€œmessageā€:ā€œInvalid session tokenā€,ā€œcodeā€:209}

In Moralis I deleted the session record for the user and tried again - same result.
In Moralis I re-started the server and refreshed the dapp - same result.
I logged out of Metamask, logged back in and refreshed the dapp - same result.

So in Moralis I deleted all the rows associated with the ethAddress and refreshed the dapp - IT WORKED! but I had an error in the way I was processing the result object so I refreshed the page and received the {ā€œmessageā€:ā€œInvalid session tokenā€,ā€œcodeā€:209} error again.

How can I call authenticate again without receiving the error? Is there a different path for refreshing the information - or checking that it is already authenticated?

Thank you,



Let me have a look at your code please :slight_smile:
When posting code please ensure itā€™s formatted (check this guide).

The wrapper:

/// moralis.js
/// Asset DAO project - David B. Goodrich
/// Defines a class that wraps moralis methods
!(function() {
   'use strict';

   /// Define wrapper class - initiate Moralis when called.
   var MoralisWeb3 = function () {
     console.log('MoralisWeb3 instance created ...');

     Moralis.initialize("[REMOVED FOR POST]"); 
     Moralis.serverURL = ""; 

   /// Perform Moralis authentication, when successfull returns user
   /// related information.
   MoralisWeb3.prototype.login = function () {
       return Moralis.Web3.authenticate();

   // CommonJS - add module to global module / windows for
   // easy use in other modules.
   if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined') {
       module.exports = new MoralisWeb3;
   } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
       window.MoralisWeb3 = new MoralisWeb3;

Called by this block (typescript, Angular 11):

    /// Handle login request for dAPP
    /// @return Promise<User>
    login () : Promise<User> {
        var self = this;

        // Use Moralis as user authenticator to authenticate via wallet.
        return MoralisWeb3.login().then((result:any) => {
            console.log('Moralis returned user: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
            let t = result.toJSON();
            let user : User = new User();

            // TODO Map to Moralis response object correctly
            user.createdAt = t.createdAt;
            user.ethAddress = t.ethAddress;
            user.objectId = t.objectId;
            user.sessionToken = t.sessionToken;
            user.updatedAt = t.updatedAt;
            user.userId = t.userId;
            user.userName = t.userName;

            // Persist user locally.

            return user;
        .catch((err:any) => {
            console.log("Login Error: " + JSON.stringify(err));

NOTE: I have put break points at every point in the wrapper class and they are called every time. The code in the ā€œthenā€ block is only called when I log into Moralis and delete records related to the wallet address. Once Moralis has authenticed the first time, followup calls return: 400 (Bad Request) {ā€œmessageā€:ā€œInvalid session tokenā€,ā€œcodeā€:209}

The return code indicates I am sending something incorrectly in my request, but it does succeed for the the first call.

Thank you,


Hi. Thanks for reminding us of this error. This ā€œinvalid session tokenā€ error occurs whenever a user is logged in multiple times without logging out. The current user is stored locally and is persisted between sessions so there may already be a logged in user when the page loads.

This is a known issue. The error message could be better at least. There is a very simple workaround however so this is currently a low priority bug.


  • check for the current user Moralis.User.current()
  • if there is no current user log in
  • if the user is already authenticated
    • Either do nothing, or
    • Log the current user out and re-authenticate

For example:

      async function login() {
        let user = Moralis.User.current();
        if (!user) {
          user = await Moralis.Web3.authenticate();
        console.log("logged in user:", user);

If you wanted to be more thorough you could add some additional validation to check that the existing current user is still the same person.


Thank you! I will make this update.

@mayjer This fix solved the problem.

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