API transfer token

Good afternoon!

I have a question, is it possible now to somehow transfer the token as here https://v1docs.moralis.io/moralis-dapp/sending-assets/transfer-tokens? Server creation is currently not available in the personal account, I did not find anything about this in the current documentation (https://docs.moralis.io/)


If you want to transfer a token in front end you can use web3 or ethers library directly. If you want to do it in backend then you will also need a hardcoded private key and a node RPC url.

Yes, I want transfer token through the front end, we have authentication through Metamask ready and Trust Wallet. Do I understand correctly that it is only possible to transfer the token via web3 or ethers? And only on ethers? BSC metamask transfer in this way will not work?

you will use web3 or ethers library, similar as you authenticate, then you can do a transfer in any network, bsc, eth, cronos, polygon, they all work the same