API Sync Issue with ERC1155 Contract

Hi, I have created an ERC1155 NFT contract but Moralis API (sync) is giving “Not valid ERC721/ERC1155 Contract” error message.

API: https://deep-index.moralis.io/api/v2/nft/0x049FcCe0D50E96aeb1Ce853c9a9295c69c7a37BF/sync?chain=bsc%20testnet
error message: Not valid ERC721/ERC1155 Contract
network: BSC Testnet

BSC Scan: https://testnet.bscscan.com/Token/0x049FcCe0D50E96aeb1Ce853c9a9295c69c7a37BF

at a first look it looks like it responds with true to any interface request, in this case we don’t consider it as a valid smart contract

ok got it. thankssss