API frontend for set price in bsc

I need to put the price in bnb to my nft, I already have my website and it reads the contract but it gives me a very high gas fee, what should I do?
i´m writing in js

I didn’t understand the part with a high gas fee and with the price in bnb

When calling the contract, a very high gas fee appears.
and I don’t know how to put a price in bnb to my nft

you can visit my website and look: https://cryptovers.site/paginas/Cryptovers%20box.html

usually you can get a high gas fee when the contract function will generate an exception

to be able to receive bnb for a mint function, the function has to be payable and it has to check msg.value where the bnb should be sent

if you want to use an ERC20 token then it is a little different