API calls very Slow

{ chain: โ€˜rinkebyโ€™, address: walletAddress }

getTokenBalances, that is the other method that fails

which chain and are you requesting address?

those endpoint should be stabilized now

@maoricio1 what is your server url?

I tested the API - its fast now
but when you use the SDK functions they go via your server, want to check if its high CPU or RAM

My server URL is: https://nuwfehte4yv3.moralishost.com:2053/server

In advance thanks for your help

No worries, keep up the good work.

On my end it is still slow, some requests are even failing.

I am heavily using the call to get the balance of tokens at different block time stamps on different chains.

P.s Its on Ethereum mainnet and Polygon chainโ€ฆ

do you use SDK function or API directly?

thanks we are checking

I am using API directly

calling this multiple times for a single user in the cloud function
const block = await Moralis.Web3API.native.getDateToBlock(dateOptions);

and this
await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances(options)

and this is the error:
Error: XMLHttpRequest failed: "Unable to connect to the Parse API"

Same as @Shine still slow, some requests are even failing

Can you try again now?

AWESOME!!, working now, Thanks a lot :slight_smile:



We are scaling like maniacs!!!


You deserve that and more, thanks!!! Best wishes

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I can even notice some slight speed improvements it seems (35-40% i would say)

I am wondering what did you guys do behind the scenes. Did you drop rabbit mq and switched to Kafka?


Amazing! this issue is fixed now. :slight_smile:

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it seems that its slow again

how slow, on what chain, what api call?