API Auth 400 response

Hello everyone, I am getting this error in NextJS example.


Error: This action with HTTP POST is not supported by NextAuth.js

we need more info, do you get a message to sign, how does that message looks like?

No, I am not getting message to sign, after I connect wallet I am getting that error.

can you look in the server logs? that request-message should be handled on the server side

Nothing on server side ( looks like it didn`t handle that request at all)
I am using this guide -> https://docs.moralis.io/authentication-api/how-to-sign-in-with-rainbowkit

is that request-message a valid route on the sever?

maybe is a typo somewhere?

I don`t have request-message under api but its not needed in guide I read, so not sure what to do

Do you have something similar to request_message? did you do the nextjs tutorial?

I am doing with this tutorial -> https://docs.moralis.io/authentication-api/how-to-sign-in-with-rainbowkit

if you have any other please share ( I am using NextJS)

I think that this is the first tutorial that you should do:

    // redirect user after success authentication to '/user' page
    const { url } = await signIn('credentials', {
      redirect: false,
      callbackUrl: '/user',

Here you will have to change "credentials" to "moralis-auth"

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