ABI not updating in streams

Trying to create streams for https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xd112466471b5438c1ca2d218694200e49d81d047#code and the matchAskWithTakerBid isn’t showing up after I hit save even when adding events that are emitted from that fn

Is that an event without parameters?

Did you try with the api directly?

Hi, it looks like matchAskWithTakerBid is not showing up because it is not an event

"name": "matchAskWithTakerBid",
"outputs": [],
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"

You cannot listen to a function call, but you can listen to the event that is being triggered by this function

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Oh, gotcha. So if I need to decode the inputs, I have to have a copy of the ABI in my webhook?

On what inputs you are referring?

I want to decode the inputs of the tx to match listings in my db

It is possible to do that. Do you have access to the input data now for a transaction?

Yes, the stream sends that information but doesn’t provide the ABI to decode it

If you only care about this contract then you can use the abi from that contract that is also on etherscan.

Did you try to update the event config from the api/docs interface? You may be able to update the abi there