500 Internal Server Error, body {"message":"Unknown error occurred. Please try again or contact support."}


Service invocation Get NFT transfers by wallet with the following parameters returns
curl --request GET
–url ‘https://deep-index.moralis.io/api/v2.2/0x721931508DF2764fD4F70C53Da646Cb8aEd16acE/nft/transfers?chain=eth&contract_addresses[0]=0xbabafdd8045740449a42b788a26e9b3a32f88ac1&format=decimal&order=DESC
–header ‘accept: application/json’
–header ‘X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY’


500 Internal Server Error, body {“message”:“Unknown error occurred. Please try again or contact support.”}

Thank you

Hi @preset-pears, it looks like this address has more than 100k NFT transfers, I would suggest using the limit parameter as in the request below, each request will then return the last 100 transfers (in this example) and you can paginate through the next pages if you need to get earlier transfers
