2nd Unity Game not receiving the sign request on authentication

  • I am seeing the QR code and scanning it.
  • Not webGL
  • The connection request is showing up in the wallet, the signing request is not.
  • there are no errors in unity.

I see the title is “2nd Unity Game not receiving …” Does this mean you are running two games locally at the same time?

Also - referencing this image:

Open the project in Visual Studio. Find the Moralis.Web3UnitySdk and find Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Kits/AuthenticationKit/Scripts/AuthenticationKit.cs.

Set break points at the places indicated by arrows.

  1. If the condition at the first place is met (meaning the return statement is executed) it means that the user is already logged in and so the signature will not happen. I suspect that if you are running two games locally - this is what is happening.
  2. serverTimeResponse - if this is not being returned check the logs on your Moralis Server and report any errors.
  3. If your application reaches the third break point and the signature is still not shown something is going on with your wallet connect connect - please report this.

added in some debug statements to see how far I was getting into the process. It looks like the async function Moralis.SetupWeb3 is never finishing. I’m getting the “In wallet connect” message, but not the “In wallet connect after setupweb3”

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The CreateWeb3 method calls a Wallet Connect method to create a client. Debug into that and see if you can find what is happening. I am not able to reproduce this.

Looks like this is never finishing in Moralis.cs SetupWeb3()

await UniTask.Run(() =>

            WalletConnectSession client = WalletConnect.Instance.Session;
            Debug.Log("In UniTask.run");
            // Create a web3 client using Wallet Connect as write client and a dummy client as read client.
            Web3Client = new Web3(client.CreateProvider(new DeadRpcReadClient(Debug.LogError)));


are you using Mirror for your project?

hey @Drkepper did you find any solution for the bug.Please let me know…

No I did not find a solution. Are you having the same issue?

yes.Did you find any alternate method to do it?

No. Are you using mirror as well?

no, i am just trying to connect with wallet using the demo scene provided by moralis

this is the error i am getting @Drkepper

maybe latest version works better for you in case that you are using a self hosted parse server

for a self hosted parse server it has to get the server time with a cloud function that you should not modify it, if you modify it then it will no longer work

@cryptokid is there any reference project i can get to better understand it

I don’t know if there is a reference project

@cryptokid when i change in the package file of unity the changes made were reverted as soon as compile

@cryptokid is there any other tutorial for self hosted server for unity

What changes were reverted?

how can i merge this one in my current project…