

Greetings, Iā€™m a front-end programmer and Iā€™m migrating to fullstack web3 development.
Besides enjoying programming a lot, I like conservative principles so this matches my passion between programming and blockchain.

What makes my eyes light up is the enhancement of the developer experience, I believe that a developer happy with his stack results in faster delivery of features and higher quality, so my favorite stack is composed of the following technologies: Javascript, Typescript, Svelte, Sveltekit, Vite, Tailwindcss, Windicss, Histoire, Cypress + Moralis, Solidity, Lens, and The Graph. MongoDB, Redis.
Ethereum, Polygon.

I am currently developing a web3 dapp.
Repo: https://github.com/0xFernandoDias/metrohouse.app
Kanban: https://github.com/users/0xFernandoDias/projects/5/views/1

I like patterns in development, initial setups, templates, bases, especially with my stack, it helps me document.
I am also a design enthusiast and I think that no app should be created without a design system, so I also want to share with you that I am using Microsoft Web Fluent Ui as a base for my design system.

Today some of my goals are: finish my project and use it as a base to create content for Youtube, share knowledge with the Svelte + Moralis + Lens community and work in a cool company that is looking for the same thing as me.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/0xfernandodias/
Github: https://github.com/0xFernandoDias
Discord: 799471641913589781
Tt: 0xFernandoDias
Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~019898a8d588c45628