While using covalent plugin handling some error

i install the plugin into my server but it is not showing on my browsers console

const init = async ()=> {
    Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId });
  moralis.initplugins ()
   const result =await Moralis. Plugins.covalent.getChangesInTokenHolerBetweenBlockHeights(GetChangesinTokenHoldersDto);
( {
  chainId: 1,
  startingBlock: 	10972953	,
  endingBlock: 12189743,
  pageNumber: 1,
  pageSize: 2,
  quoteCurrency: string,

you can try here to write: await Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId }); without the second line

i try this but got error ā€œmoralis is not define at initā€

const init = async ()=> {
   await Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId });
  moralis.initplugins ()
console.log (moralis.plugins)

you have more code than that, right, like the code to import Moralis, and the code that sets serverUrl and appId

yeah that is in js file which is i m running and going through console i m doing plugins

and my other code is working like price , read data from smartcontract but when i m going to browsers console and seeing what plugins is install then showing error

it is working fine when i m not using plugins as i comment out the code then its showi ng moralis is not define at init

 const serverUrl = "https://4l81fhpvqkit.usemoralis.com:2053/server";
    const appId = "pfaPMZpSl0COD4qDiZ6ytcu2ePIMaPWI2pSrhTZm";
   const oi = async ()=> {
   await  Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId });
//   moralis.initplugins ();
//  console.log(moralis.plugins);
//    const result =await Moralis. Plugins.covalent.getChangesInTokenHolerBetweenBlockHeights({  
//   chainId: 1,
//   address:'0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
//   startingBlock: 	10972953	,
//   endingBlock: 12189743,
//   pageNumber: 1,
//   pageSize: 2,
//   quoteCurrency: string,
// });
// console.log(result.data)

Hey @Sudhanshusribastava2

Moralis and Plugins start with capital letters


yeah thnks it works ā€¦ but when i m treying using plugin to get token holders at a block then it shows error "Uncaught Error: Something went wrong
ā€œcodeā€: 500010,
ā€œmessageā€: "Cannot get token holders of block block_height for given "
this is my transaction which block i used https://bscscan.com/tx/0x61bd376db03ef90e2174912386aa4af9e5c8481a42c7f9435d24f4c4a68d9e93

  Moralis.initPlugins ();
const covalent = Moralis. Plugins.covalent;
   const result =await covalent.getBlockTokenHolders({  
    chainId: 1;
  blockHeight:12189743 ,
  pageNumber: 1,
  pageSize: 100,
  quoteCurrency: 'usd',

Chain id 1 is not BSC though. Try with the correct id

i also try with correct chain id 56 and ox38 but same error ā€¦

  Moralis.initPlugins ();
const covalent = Moralis. Plugins.covalent;
   const result =await covalent.getBlockTokenHolders({  
    chainId: 0x38,
  blockHeight: 12189743,
  pageNumber: 1,
  pageSize: 100,
  quoteCurrency: 'usd',

I get results if I try myself.
Why are you using pageNumber 1? The first page is 0.
Please check the docs and try again: https://github.com/MoralisWeb3/plugindocs/tree/main/covalent%20plugin

My query:

  const result = await covalent.getBlockTokenHolders({
    chainId: 56,
    contractAddress: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
    blockHeight: 12189743


  updated_at: '2021-12-08T08:09:22.802146243Z',
  items: [
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x41a6bc535f304c613de4c74f16811ef213cd1e6a',
      balance: '5034791543049516080052',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x88a393f2aff8d8e0dd7bb4add82cd8ebac439b9e',
      balance: '1200080160400000000000',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x64f213a52e9e14b16a0982390f6d8cd7f3526073',
      balance: '1027012189363946602242',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x7b09c4427f921228e500f8007b6e9a7f73293159',
      balance: '588000000000000000000',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x833de4922bb693dc4640ec0bd81caacc51fbb1d3',
      balance: '500000000000000000000',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x5974c357769d77a04cd87aee3e49e5bf719d1cfe',
      balance: '479640840000000000000',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      balance: '364524269909264126564',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0xf809a4156b5abd7b74a94d8a99c93ccbdadb7d07',
      balance: '287309317277273191142',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x84a85695f83ea04e5ab0d43ee4b592b1f2de2b48',
      balance: '208760840000000000000',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x8ef18d821cd446c587ec2c3f1cbc4266915e0e06',
      balance: '200000000000000000000',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
      contract_decimals: 18,
      contract_name: 'Crypto Planet Token',
      contract_ticker_symbol: 'CPT',
      contract_address: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
      supports_erc: null,
      logo_url: 'https://logos.covalenthq.com/tokens/56/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078.png',
      address: '0x33baf490a9d9bc84ded6b54d28ed1d6ca5aae374',
      balance: '109880840000000000000',
      total_supply: null,
      block_height: 12189743
  pagination: { has_more: false, page_number: 0, page_size: 100, total_count: 11 }

Oops sorry sir , thanks for result

pagination: { has_more: false, page_number: 0, page_size: 100, total_count: 11 }

Total_count : 11 is number of holders ?

i dont know why its not working i try many times even i copy paste ur code to browsers console also its giving error , can u try this code

const oi = async ()=> {
  Moralis.initPlugins ();
 const covalent =  Moralis. Plugins.covalent;
 const result = await covalent.getBlockTokenHolders({
    chainId: 56,
    contractAddress: '0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078',
    blockHeight: 12189743,                  pageNumber: 0

The code you posted above works fine. Whatā€™s the error you get?

moralis.js:5604 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Something went wrong
  "code": 500010,
  "message": "Cannot get token holders of block `block_height` for given `address`",
  "details": {
    "axiosConfig": {
      "url": "56/tokens/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078/token_holders/",
      "method": "GET",
      "params": {
        "page-number": 0,
        "page-size": 100,
        "quote-currency": "USD",
        "block-height": "12189743"
    "class": {
      "pageNumber": 0,
      "pageSize": 100,
      "quoteCurrency": "USD",
      "chainId": 56,
      "contractAddress": "0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078",
      "blockHeight": "12189743",
      "axiosConfig": {
        "url": "56/tokens/0x28e4f32fa7e842ad0a6e530bb6b4ec03b36d5078/token_holders/",
        "method": "GET",
        "params": {
          "page-number": 0,
          "page-size": 100,
          "quote-currency": "USD",
          "block-height": "12189743"
    "error": "Request failed with status code 401"
    at moralis.js:5604
    at tryCatch (moralis.js:28297)
    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (moralis.js:28527)
    at Generator.next (moralis.js:28352)
    at asyncGeneratorStep (moralis.js:27806)
    at _next (moralis.js:27828)
```[quote="dani, post:15, topic:5454, full:true"]
The code you posted above works fine. What's the error you get?

  this is error  i m getting when i m doing the code to my console browser ,
1 Like

Check the plugins version, should be 0.0.9. Update the plugin if is not updated.