Webhook is not working

I see only this stream config in your account:

  "result": [
      "id": "fa214777-8202-4b78-ab82-184a09889076",
      "webhookUrl": "https://webhook.site",
      "description": "ddd",
      "tag": "ttt",
      "demo": true,
      "topic0": null,
      "allAddresses": false,
      "includeNativeTxs": true,
      "includeContractLogs": true,
      "includeInternalTxs": false,
      "getNativeBalances": [],
      "triggers": [],
      "abi": null,
      "advancedOptions": null,
      "chainIds": [
      "status": "paused",
      "statusMessage": "Stream was paused by the user"
  "total": 1

you say that the error is not when you add the stream, or it is when you try to add the stream?

it is not when I add the stream. When I add it, it is working fine. But after several seconds, when there is a transaction, this error appears.

somehow I don’t see that stream added in your account now

can you add some logging in the server code to narrow it down to the place where that error happens?

there is any error in my code now.
after running the server, when Moralis catup webhook url , the error appears.
Didn’t you understand the error? :worried:

if I add webhook url, then whenever there is a transaction in the address, webhook url reveives post request. right?

yes, a post request is made to a webhook url when a transaction is made, but that post request is made from moralis servers to the webhook url, not from your self hosted server to a webhook url, the self hosted server only is waiting for requests to receive on that webhook url

Yes, I know. So I am waiting the post request. but Moralis doesn’t send the post request.
I am getting MoralisError [Moralis SDK Core Error]: [C0006] Request failed: timeout of 20000ms exceeded
Maybe it is the module problem?

Which version is the most stable?

if you don’t set up any stream you still get this timeout error?

we didn’t see this error before, I don’t know what happens

got it. I can’t use Moralis anymore if I don’t resolve this error.
Thanks for your support.
Have a nice day.

what type of server you are using to listen for transactions?

I am using express.js server in win10.

you made a local server with express, you are using moralis SDK in that local server?

you may have to use ngrok with a proxy to get a public accessible url that can be accessed from the internet

can you share some of the code from that server?

yes, I have used the express server on my local.

how can I make a public accessible url that can be accessed from the internet?
please teach me.

can you share that code that is used in that server?

how you are using moralis SDK in that code?

you can watch this demo that it presents how to use ngrok:

I already shared all codes that use Moralis.