Web3api getNFTs total retuns null

Hi, we did a change recently to default the disable_total flag to true, you can use this example to set it ti false:

Not solved yet

You are using latest version of the sdk?


What version of the sdk you are using?

Seems like to be 2.12.0

I tested today with latest version of the sdk and it worked

Can you check it on my version?

Maybe you have to use a different syntax with Moralis.EvmApi instead of Moralis.web3api

It is too difficult to rework everything for the new version now

You also tried with disable_total instead of disableTotal?

Can you give more info about how you are using the SDK? It is a self hosted parse server?

you are using parse-server-migration?

Ok, today we have another problem. This config work for us yesterday. But today we have another error :frowning:


And yes, disable_total: false works in our SDK version

What does it mean? Our servers:
https://splzln8vhn1a.usemoralis.com:2053/server - mainnet
https://nrnhzxloybjl.usemoralis.com:2053/server - goerli

You are using v1 sdk in front end with a moralis server?

I can take a look in few hours

I tested now this code with moralis v1 sdk and with a moralis server and it worked without issues

goerli server has some errors in cloud code, you can see them here: