Again, you need to specify the directory, not the file that contains the cloud code. Donât include cloudcode.js in the command.
If you are at Netflix-Starter
as your terminal directory (that has the cloudcode.js file inside it), then use this command:
moralis-admin-cli watch-cloud-folder --moralisApiKey mviuAMPn2Aev3nU --moralisApiSecret N7R7gCOlZcwCmwv --moralisSubdomain --autoSave 1 --moralisCloudfolder ./
If that doesnât work, go up one directory and then use:
moralis-admin-cli watch-cloud-folder --moralisApiKey mviuAMPn2Aev3nU --moralisApiSecret N7R7gCOlZcwCmwv --moralisSubdomain --autoSave 1 --moralisCloudfolder Netflix-Starter