Web3 API (rinkeby) nft transfer result doesn't include latest records after hours

I use web3 api to get nft transfer result. I made an nft transaction on rinkeby network. After few minutes I could see the transaction on etherscan, but not in the result of web3 api nft/transfers call. I wonder if your service is down?

This is not uncommon to see that the result from a web3 api call, say, nft transfers, doesnโ€™t contain the latest data. How long do you sync the data? Are you syncing in realtime or in batch?

Last time I met this problem when I tried to get nft transfers on mumbai.

Currently we have a problem that we are working on fixing it for syncing nfts for web3api results. It could be related. When it works it should take at most few minutes.

Hi @cryptokid is this related to my issue by any chance? Get nft floor price

Iโ€™m looking to be able to get most up to date floor price for 1day/live


There is a chance to be related, not sure now if it is

Do you have any clue what happened? Please give us a hint when you fix the problem of syncing nfts for web3api results.

we did a fix yesterday, there is some backlog data to be processed.
you can try again to day to see if it works as expected.

OK, it seems that we still have to wait for a while. Your backlog data must be huge.