Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Reverted]

okay i will try this and let you know ! about the Progress! :slight_smile:

Hi am currently confronted with similar challenge and don’t know how to find my way around it.

However, mine is on BSC.

Pls, I am open to our advice on how to recover the money.

we are going to need to know more info about your situation

i have a similar situation in the bsc, yesterday i bought a bond in a defi 2.0 platform but i received this message and the fund doens´t appear, loooks like the funds send to the contract but gave me this issue and the funds doens´t appear reverted,

if the transaction reverted, then the funds shouldn’t be lost, it if was only one transaction done

but the funds not appear, 17 hours ago i did the transaction

this is the message

already see in bsc scan in my wallet and doesn´t appear the funds reverted, is weird

how did the funds get transferred from your wallet? did you call approve?

yes i did the approve from de contrat, it was in nemesis dao, i bought a bond transfering busd to the contract, so the transaction fails and gave me this message, transaction reverted but 20 hours after and the funds doesn´t reverted.

You usually don’t send busd in that transaction, are you sure that is the transaction that transferred busd from your address?

yes, all is ok already reverted the transaction and the funds appear in my wallet only 23 hours :slight_smile:

I’m getting the same message on bsc, transaction reverted.
This is when trying to enable a token so I can sell it.

Error encountered during contract execution [execution reverted]

it doesn’t say too much, there was some error on execution somewhere, and it looks like it wasn’t in a require statement

No it doesn’t. IDK what actions to take to find out why I can’t even enable it, never mind sell it…

you could deploy in remix same contract and try to debug there

Looks like a deliberate error… Oh well. Above my ability level.
Thank you for your help

I have the same problem, can you help? I got the error in the image while doing metamask swap

Fail with error 'ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance' could mean that there were not enough funds to do that swap

How can I get enough funds and get the coins to come to my account?