WalletConnect on iPhone is working?

Can anyone confirm WalletConnect on mobile is working or not?

I followed this document and deployed to vercel.

The Nextjs app is here. I did not change any code. Itโ€™s exactly the same with the document. If I access from PC, itโ€™s working. But from iPhone is not working.


When I access by my iPhone it looks like this

  1. Click the Authenticate via WalletConnect button
  2. Select Trust wallet icon
  3. redirect to Trust.
  4. Nothing happens

  1. Click the Authenticate via WalletConnect button
  2. Select Metamask icon
  3. redirect to Metamask
  4. Nothing happens

Why itโ€™s not working?

I just authenticated from iPhone with walletconnect and metamaks and it worked

What kind of app did you chose? metamask?

May I know your iOS version? iOS 16?

I choose metamaks, but I donโ€™t have iOS 16

Does anyone have the same problem on iPhone or mobile?

The problem is it happens nothing after clicking wallet icon. For example, Trust, Metamask.