Wallet connect takes me to trust wallet page

Can you try to log in with another mobile phone?

It is a problem! Code is normal -

Take a look at READ BEFORE POSTING - How to post code in the forum

I mean the problem is not in your code, but is in your phone

I tried in different phone as well. It is same! Ios - chrome - you can try it live - try to test on scamornot.io

This is strange…

On mobile phone it should be like in 1st pic:
But 2nd is your site

Please share the login code

Have you changed Moralis.Web3.authenticate to Moralis.authenticate?

This is the code

This is in mobile and the one with qrcode is for desktop.

The issue is with trustwallet connect

Ofcourse i added the new way of custom message as mentioned in the previous ticket. Rest of the code is same.

        provider: walletProvider,
        chainId: 56
      }).then(function (user) {
        authenticate(user.id, user.get('ethAddress')) // what does this code do?

Does TrustWallet via WalletConnect login work correctly on https://rarible.com/connect ?

Yes it does work correctly but they don’t do any custom message sign in.

That code makes an entry in my database and refresh the page.

This code is working perfectly fine if you select metamask from walletconnect instead of trustwallet. So the issue is with trust wallet sign in! The extra code doesn’t matter because treat that as refreshing on callback!

I’ve just tested it on local server with walletconnect+trustwallet on Android. Everything works correctly.

Maybe you should update your trustwallet version?

Trustwallet version is latest, ios version is latest!

I already mentioned that the problem is in iOS, not in android!

Could you try to login in https://forum-tests.vercel.app/ ?

Sign in message will be fixed in next versions. Could you try login to check if it will redirect to trustwallet website