[SOLVED] Wallet Connect speedy nodes error

Hi there,
Today I am facing an issue, when I am connected to wallet connect, @cryptokid @Yomoo

Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block:

I am facing this issue especially once I switch chain to Polygon Mainnet and Polygon Testnet.

I am facing this issue in both Next and React JS dApp.
My configuration :

moralis-v1, @walletconnect/web3-provider, react-moralis

Method I am using for chain switching if not metamask provider,

const web3: any = await Moralis.enableWeb3({ provider });
await web3?.provider?.request({
method: ‘wallet_switchEthereumChain’,
params: [{ chainId: chain }],

Server URL : https://ou1latf2lhci.grandmoralis.com:2053/server

maybe this thread helps you

Okay, checking it out. Thanks.

Hey @cryptokid, from what I understand, this problem has no easy and quick fix, right?

I checked out your this suggestion also , but it seems not that straight forward.

I was thinking to change the current auth implementation and use wagmi and rainbow kit, how about that? would it better?

you could try with wagmi, maybe it works better

Okay thanks for the help :raised_hands:.