Unity Web3 Elder Ring - Helping each other

NomicLabsHardhatPluginError: The Etherscan API responded with a failure status.
The verification may still succeed but should be checked manually.
Reason: Already Verified
at getVerificationStatus (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/node_modules/@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan/src/etherscan/EtherscanService.ts:123:11)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at attemptVerification (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/node_modules/@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan/src/index.ts:477:30)
at SimpleTaskDefinition.action (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/node_modules/@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan/src/index.ts:765:48)
at Environment._runTaskDefinition (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/runtime-environment.ts:219:14)
at Environment.run (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/runtime-environment.ts:131:14)
at SimpleTaskDefinition.verifySubtask [as action] (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/node_modules/@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan/src/index.ts:299:28)
at Environment._runTaskDefinition (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/runtime-environment.ts:219:14)
at Environment.run (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/runtime-environment.ts:131:14)
at main (/Users/gearsx/Desktop/hardhat-loop-ca/scripts/deployGameItem.js:27:5)

hi, i got this after i follow this step
npx hardhat run scripts/deployGameItem.js --network mumbai

this is not work?

It says the contract is already verified without running the npx hardhat verify command?

You can manually check it on the polygonscan if the contract is available. This error shouldn’t be a problem if you can find the contract on the explorer.

like this oke? this is not same like tutorial, in tutorial contract automatic verified

this is your contract address as per the deployed message and it is owned by different wallet.

You can find it verified in this link

ohh wait, you right

oh you mean, my wallet (use private key) still verify contract, but there is issue on vscode?

The contract is submitted successfully from the vscode to polygonscan for verification.
The error could be from the polygonscan API in returning the success status. Don’t know the exact reason, but this happens most of the time during the verification and the verification still gets successful.

ahhh thanks john, ALL WORKS VERY WELL nice

NOW implement to my project, thanks for this tutorial


Hi everyone!

We have a known issue with the GetNFTsForContract function which sometimes doesn’t retrieve the NFT metadata correctly.

Meanwhile we’re solving this with the SDK team, I pushed a new commit that prevents an object reference error to appear permitting the other well-retrieved NFTs to be loaded on the menu inventory.

You can pull and try it for yourself. Thanks!

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Also, if you get this Call to getItem failed due to: Object reference not set to an instance of an object while trying to pick up an item, try disconnecting and connecting again.

We’re also checking this with SDK team. Thanks for your feedback!

I have problem when I build and run project in WebGL

Hi @area00 did you add the Moralis WebGL template on Player Build Settings?

Hi @dpradell, How to do this?
I cloned the project, switched the WebGL platform then I built and run

Copy this folder right here:

And paste it under Assets, like this:

Then, select the Moralis WebGL Template in Player Settings:

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Pushed a new commit where the WebGL template is already copied in Assets.


Hi! How can i do this?
I can’t manage to disconnect the wallet from the project.
Whenever I play the project the wallet is automatically authenticated.

Hi @Fffffedemac, welcome to the community!

Press M and hit Disconnect button. Although it is said in the tutorial, I will add a text for better understanding :slight_smile:


Hello, is help still being provided about this project?

You can post any questions or issues.

Ok, thanks. The video tutorial is outdated because moralis servers function is sunsetted. I’m selfhosting a server now as recommended but I don’t know where to find the right server files compatible with this project. Is this available?