Uncaught TypeError: ethereum.on is not a function

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     * Assign web3 Listener to handle change of accounts
     * Important!: these eventListeners cannot be cleaned up, so don't reassign it
     * See https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/10873
     * The drawback of this is that we cannot update these function via a React state
     * // TODO: find a way to work around this
    useEffect(function () {
        if (hasOnAccountChangeListener) {
        if (!window) {
            console.warn("No window object found");
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        var ethereum = window.ethereum;
        if (!ethereum) {
            console.warn("No window.ethereum found");
        ethereum.on("accountsChanged", function (accounts) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
            var account;
            return __generator(this, function (_a) {
                account = accounts[0];
                if (onAccountChanged) {
                return [2 /*return*/];
        }); });
    }, [hasOnAccountChangeListener]);
    var isAuthenticated = auth.state === AuthenticationState.AUTHENTICATED;
    var isUnauthenticated = auth.state === AuthenticationState.UNAUTHENTICATED;
    var isAuthenticating = auth.state === AuthenticationState.AUTHENTICATING;
    var hasAuthError = auth.state === AuthenticationState.ERROR;
    var isLoggingOut = auth.state === AuthenticationState.LOGGING_OUT;
    var isAuthUndefined = auth.state === AuthenticationState.UNDEFINED;
    return {
        auth: auth,
        authenticate: authenticate,
        signup: signup,
        login: login,
        logout: logout,
        authError: auth.error,
        isAuthenticated: isAuthenticated,
        isUnauthenticated: isUnauthenticated,
        isAuthenticating: isAuthenticating,
        hasAuthError: hasAuthError,
        isLoggingOut: isLoggingOut,
        isAuthUndefined: isAuthUndefined,


<MoralisProvider appId={APP_ID} serverUrl={SERVER_URL}>


          <ThemeProvider enableSystem={false} attribute="class">

            <Provider store={store}>

                {/* <MenuRoute><Component {...pageProps} /></MenuRoute> */}





I can’t debug this. Even when i comment out my nested
<Component {...pageProps} />
or individual components in the app, this doesn’t go away.

Note: Works completely fine on Chrome/ Brave and Firefox

Hi @TokenSoft. It’s easier to use Moralis events for this. Take a look at Events


const { Moralis } = useMoralis();
useEffect(() => 
  Moralis.onAccountsChanged(async function (accounts) {
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