Swap using 1inch plugin in BSC chain

I swapped BNB with ETH in bsc chain using moralis 1inch plugin and was successful. But when I try once again to swap BNB with any token I get the following error. I have sufficient balance of BNB in wallet.
Need urgent help please.

Something went wrong
โ€œ{\n โ€œstatusCodeโ€: 500,\n โ€œmessageโ€: โ€œNot enough 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE. Amount: 40000000000000000. Balance: 243562559272061541.โ€\n}โ€

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Same issue here, :roll_eyes:

looks like a balance issue. whats your code. can u try reducing the amount

looks like the same issue iโ€™ve been pulling my hair out with

Check again now with latest version of 1Inch plugin

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oh my god, finally. excelent work thank you!

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