[SOLVED] Web3Auth & Magic Link do not restore session when user is already logged in

Itā€™s working now. Found out that I have to save the user email myself when signing up with Magic Link and also save the used provider to the User object. This way I can enabledWeb() with the right params on reload. Hereā€™s some boilerplate to set up and test multiple auth options for Rinkeby:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Moralis Multi Auth Test</title>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/moralis/dist/moralis.js"></script>
    <script src="https://auth.magic.link/sdk"></script>
    <script src="https://github.com/WalletConnect/walletconnect-monorepo/releases/download/1.7.1/web3-provider.min.js"></script>

    <button id="btn-loginMM">Moralis Metamask Login</button>
    <button id="btn-loginWC">Moralis WC Login</button>
    <button id="btn-loginMagic">Moralis Magic Login</button>
    <button id="btn-logout">Logout</button>
    <input type="email" id="email" placeholder="email..." />
    <div id="balance">User balance: <span>logged out</span></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./script.js"></script>

const serverUrl = 'xxx';
const appId = 'xxx';
Moralis.start({ serverUrl, appId });

// metamask
async function loginMM() {
  let user = Moralis.User.current();
  if (!user) {
   try {
      await Moralis.authenticate()
   } catch(error) {

// wallet connect
async function loginWC() {
  if (!Moralis.User.current()) {
    Moralis.authenticate({ provider: 'walletconnect', chainId: 4 })
    .then((user) => {
       // save the provider to User object, optionally check if already set
      user.set('provider', 'walletconnect')

// magic link
function loginMagic() {
  if (!Moralis.User.current()) {
    const email = document.getElementById('email').value
      provider: 'magicLink',
      email: email,
      apiKey: 'xxx',
      network: 'rinkeby',
    .then((user) => {
      // save the email and provider to User object, optionally check if already set
      user.set('email', email)
      user.set('provider', 'magicLink')

// set web3 and get user balance to test it
async function initUser () {
  const user = Moralis.User.current()
  if (user) {
    if (!Moralis.ensureWeb3IsInstalled()) {
      const userProvider = user.get('provider')
      let providerOptions
      switch (userProvider) {
        case 'magicLink':
          providerOptions = {
            provider: 'magicLink',
            email: user.get('email'),
            apiKey: 'xxx',
            network: 'rinkeby',
        case 'walletconnect':
          providerOptions = {
            provider: 'walletconnect',
            chainId: 4,
          // metamask
          providerOptions = null
      try {
        await Moralis.enableWeb3(providerOptions)
      } catch (err) {
    .then((balance) => {
      document.getElementById('balance').firstElementChild.textContent = Moralis.web3Library.utils.formatEther(balance)

async function logOut() {
  await Moralis.User.logOut();
  document.getElementById('balance').firstElementChild.textContent = 'logged out'

document.getElementById('btn-loginMM').onclick = loginMM;
document.getElementById('btn-loginWC').onclick = loginWC;
document.getElementById('btn-loginMagic').onclick = loginMagic;
document.getElementById('btn-logout').onclick = logOut;

// init user on reload
window.addEventListener('load', initUser);

Not sure why Moralis implementation doesnā€™t save the email or set a provider. Maybe the React boilerplate does this already, but Iā€™m allergic to anything related to FB :wink:

Further findings on Magic Link are still mentioned in Magic Link Authetntication

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This still needs attention -

await Moralis.enableWeb3(providerOptions) This doesnā€™t work for wallet connect. Isnā€™t web3 supposed to be enabled for desktop browser wallet transactions like metamask.

How can you keep the same log-in authenticated state as someone who logs in with a mobile wallet with wallet connect?

I have no problems using WC with my mobile to connect to desktop. After a browser refresh it regains the session fine, see my boilerplate code as reference.
What doesnā€™t work?

I have repeated the steps you did with your boilerplate code but could not repeat the same result :thinking: unless I did something wrong.

I am testing it by linking my metamask mobile wallet with the QR code via wallet connect then refreshing the page. What it seems to do upon refreshing the page is that with your code, the ā€œinitUserā€ function is enabling web3.

If I was to then call for a transaction (await Moralis.executeFunction(options);) then it would try to make the transaction via metamask instead of the mobile metamask app. Its the same if I connected trustwallet and or any other mobile wallet app.

Enabling Web3 for a transaction is suited for wallets that are an extension in the browser I believe.

not much I can say without details and code, but it sounds like youā€™re not passing the correct provider to enableWeb3 that is current used by the logged in user:

await Moralis.enableWeb3({ provider: 'walletconnect', chainId: 4 }).

If you just do await Moralis.enableWeb3() it will default to metamask, hence the confusion I also had in the beginning, exactly like you describe.

I save the provider type myself to the user Object when authenticating, so you know which provider options to use for enableWeb3.

I am seeing the EXACT same problem as Matiyin with a React App using Moralis React component.
Upon refresh enableWeb3 NEEDS to be recalled for all mode of connection, being Metamask, WalletConnect or MagicLink.
If you provide the initial authenticate parameters to authenticate (in each mode), it works fine.

This is undesirable definitely and not documented either.

Using the above from @matiyin seems to fix the login/refresh issues. Although I now have a weird behavior where Metamask and WalletConnect are refusing my transactions but it works with MagicLink, almost like the RPC node is not properly updated when changing connection/wallet.

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Oh, it looks like my metamask RPC decided to go down during my tests switching back and forth between magicLink and Metamask (which had different RPC)