[SOLVED] Problem with email verification using cloud functions

I tried to do that before, I put the id of the template there and I successfully got an email, but with no verification link. I think I need to add the link, but I donā€™t know how I can get it and where I need to add it.

Your template should have two curly brackets with variable link in it -
Hi {{name}} {{link}}

The values will get prepopulated accordingly.

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Hi Malik,

I have tried that and I only get the text I input i.e: "Hi ", I know that I need to define the name to get text there, but I canā€™t define the link. I cannot find any variables in the template, I tried to put the variables in the Design Editor ā€œcodeā€ and ā€œtextā€ and Code Editor.

Maybe there is something Iā€™m doing wrong?

How does your template look like now?

It looks like this

In the email I only get ā€œVerify your emailā€

Maybe Iā€™m doing it wrong, but I donā€™t understand how I can make the verification link work

I just checked my templates and I have this: Hello {{{ link }}} {{{ email }}}

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Ok I see, I changed it like yours: Verify your email {{{ link }}}
and in my cloud function it looks like this:

Moralis.Cloud.define("sendVerification", async (request) => {
    to: request.user.get("email"),
    templateId: "d-0c47c30df8d945c0bf6ae1db793d8702",
    dynamic_template_data: {
      link: Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(request.user.get("email"))

I tried to set the link variable to requestEmailVerification() and it worked!
but I get 2 emails, one with the link and the other with map[]

If the email is already verified I only get an email with map[]
If I didnā€™t set the variable link to anything I would get an email with ā€œVerify your emailā€ like before


It also gets set to true in the dashboard


Any idea why I get two emails?

I think that it is enough to use Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(request.user.get("email")) in order to send an email.

I changed it and now I only get one email! I defined the userEmail in the frontend and passed it to the cloud function call.

const currentUser = Moralis.User.current();
const userEmail = currentUser.attribute.email;
await Moralis.Cloud.run("sendVerification", {userEmail});

and in the cloud function I added userEmail and requestEmailVerification(userEmail)

Moralis.Cloud.define("sendVerification", async (request) => {
    to: request.user.get("email"),
    templateId: "d-0c47c30df8d945c0bf6ae1db793d8702",
    dynamic_template_data: {
      userEmail: request.user.get("email"),
      link: Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(userEmail)

Thank you very much for the help guys! I really appreciate it :grin:

Oh ok, so you mean that I donā€™t need to set the variable link?

I think that you only have to call Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(userEmail) from front end.

Ok thanks, now I added it to the frontend, saved it in a variable, and passed it to the cloud function call.

const emailVerification = await Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(userEmail);
await Moralis.Cloud.run("sendVerification", {userEmail, emailVerification});

and I changed link: emailVerification, in the cloud function. It works but I get the email only one time, if I have not verified the email and then login again later I wonā€™t get any other verification email.
Is it supposed to be like that?

I think that this is all you need to do:
const emailVerification = await Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(userEmail);
without any other cloud function.
and this email will be sent automatically by Moralis when a new user gets registered with an email, or if you add an email to a user entry from the dashboard.

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Ok thanks a lot @cryptokid, I understand now! I did that and it worked now :smiley:

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this is so frustratingā€¦ i have been 4 hours trying to send ONLY one email and not only with the verification link but with the userā€™s name as follow ā€œHello USERNAMEā€ but I canā€™t find how to. Also there is no documentation whatsoever for this function Moralis.User.requestEmailVerification(email);

what were you able to do? were you able to change the static text in the template?

found this on google in case that helps you:

I was able to use this syntax in a template: {{{ link }}} {{{ email }}}

wow, what is that link? i thought requestemailverification was a moralis function. is not?

i just want to be able to send confimration email by myself and not to be sent autmatically by the server each time a user registers, if i set sendgrid template id in the server, then it sends the email by itself!!! 'and i am not being able to say ā€œhello USERā€ with the userā€™s name.

this two works but with out a pair of { I think you have them wrong: {{ link }}} {{{ email }}} but {{user}} or {{username}} or {{first_name}} as I have them in my database, DONT WORK

Moralis server uses parse server and some functionality is directly from parse server.

I donā€™t know if you can get the username value in that template. You could add a request on roadmap.moralis.io