[SOLVED] getNfts (Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'account'))

  const {Web3Api} = useMoralisWeb3Api();
  const {isInitialized} = useMoralis()

  const fetchNFTsForContract = async () => {
    const options = {
      chain: "rinkeby",
      token_address: "0xf4DEd30B6ca5a6A40f56D9Fe066A9951571C6E3C",
  const wrldhorse = await Web3Api.account.getNFTsForContract(options);
  useEffect(() => {
    if (isInitialized) {
}, [isInitialized])

what do you get if you use console.log(Moralis.CoreManager.get("VERSION")) ?
after you import Moralis from useMoralis probably

const Web3Api = useMoralisWeb3Api();

const fetchNFTs = async () => {

  // get testnet NFTs for user
  const testnetNFTs = await Web3Api.account.getNFTs({
    chain: "rinkeby",

js1.11.0 - this is what I get

for me it looks like you are using the right syntax:

js1.11.0 this is what I get

what exactly does the account represent in this context? I understand it is somehow getting the logged in account but I assume its not in address format or it would easily be replaceableā€¦ My question is directed at trying to troubleshoot where Iā€™ve gone wrong (be it a package or somewhere else)

try to check if that account from Web3Api is defined or not

this still doesnā€™t work?

Still getting undefined

Its not getting account from web3api

Maybe it has to be imported differently? For web3api I mean

Not too sure there is a different way to import it

You can also use it directly with Moralis.

I donā€™t understand - kindly elaborate

I have even tried by setting moralis auth to true and no cigar

The same syntax as in vanilla js

Something like Moralis.web3api.account. This is not the exact syntax

const testnetNFTs = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getNFTs({ chain: "goerli" });

? what imports would be required in this instance?

Same import that you used for getting the version before

Error: required param address not provided