[SOLVED] Frp error deadlkine reached!

I try to run frp to connect moralis to a local devchain and after a while I got this error :point_down:

my frpc.ini code๐Ÿ‘‡

  server_addr = gfvgwgtcotem.usemoralis.com
  server_port = 7000
  token = RHAVNKGWFC
  type = http
  local_port = 8545
  custom_domains = gfvgwgtcotem.usemoralis.com

Iโ€™d be glad to help me to solve this problem ๐Ÿซ‚

can you check your connection, maybe a vpn blocking some connections

it works fine for me with the settings that you pasted

oh yeah,I leave in Iran ILoveIranGIF

All iranial IPs are banned,I used vpn connection to London and it workedโœ…

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