[SOLVED] Failed to Compile - @/styles/globals.css

I am not aware of using the thirdweb contracts. As far as my knowledge they have their own frontend sdk for making smart contract requests like minting NFT. You can once checking their docs for more details.

I will keep trying here. As for now could you suggest how styling is compatible. Can I have some sample code when you get the chance for editing text/backgrounds…

It complex to share css without knowing how you want it to look like :sweat_smile: . You can find some example css code in stackoverflow of codepen.

Or you can ask chatgpt :smiley:

Fantastic! That will keep me going for now… To keep you on this file I created another gitHub repo.!

Please take a look into why I am getting this error.
To make it clear I am tailoring this method from this link everything in the vid after the 18min mark > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrjCi0EDTyI

I think im close but not sure what viem is. To put this in perspective for you I have also ran in the terminal the following: yarn add wagmi. The code now has errors in the […moralis].ts folder. Not sure the reason why? Here is a sceenshot

viem is another package like wagmi. You can fix the error by installing viem

run yarn add viem to install.

I would like to pay for your service johnversus… Please explain how we can collaborate together.

gitHub will have continual updates but I will let you know when I need more help. I have wrapped my mind around code at this point and started to get a handle on how things work. Im still a beginner. Please if you could let me know how we can arrange a completed code for my NFT!

Cheers and thanks again (viem)

Been reading about how to fix this but I can not on my own. Attached >

Any ideas?

Hi @4-Art

We can help if you are stuck with some errors, but we cant provide complete code. You will have to try it on your own.

Regarding the error can you share how your _app.jsx looks like now? It could be possible that you did not export any component from _app.jsx or the exported component is not a valid reach component.

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