[SOLVED] Error with /nft/transfers endpoint

where do you run that?

if you paste that url in a command line you will see this: /0x49cf6f5d44e70224e2e23fdcdd2c053f30ada28b<200b>/ instead of the expected address

run in vscode
return invalid hex number

try delete all and make the query again

now nft-api GetAllTokenIds
To get the data
Metadata actually has data on OpenSea
But the result is returned by the API as null

use other api

you could try to resync the metadata

I mean get data through the interface getalltokenids
It originally existed on OpenSea include metadata,and metadata include data
but return is null in json file

sometimes OpenSea API doesn’t work to get the metadata, it could depend on chain too

you mean by chance?
not 100%?

By api getalltokenids
contract address:0x92133e21fff525b16d1edcf78be82297d25d1154
we can get metadata ,but attritutes not in metadata

I got this:

amount: "1"
contract_type: "ERC721"
metadata: "{\"description\":\"8888 of 8,888 beautifully rendered 3D Non-Fungible People (NFP) PFPs algorithmically generated and rendered in breathtaking 3D. Each unique NFP portrays a powerful, self-expressive woman or non-binary person.\",\"external_url\":\"https://nfp.daz3d.com\",\"animation_url\":\"ipfs://Qmb8mf23oyyefNwJNZxKbMUi9dcEa9vn5gTFcRznU3KDFx\",\"image\":\"ipfs://Qmb8mf23oyyefNwJNZxKbMUi9dcEa9vn5gTFcRznU3KDFx\",\"name\":\"NFP #8888\"}\n"
name: "Daz3D Non-Fungible People"
symbol: "DAZNFP"
synced_at: "2022-01-05T20:54:46.195Z"
token_address: "0x92133e21fff525b16d1edcf78be82297d25d1154"
token_id: "8888"
token_uri: "https://nfp.daz3d.com/nft-api/v1/token/gen1/8888"

but miss attributes in metadata

Not sure what you mean by miss attributes in metadata

i mean metadata include attributes
like description in metadata

You mean this token uri has more data than is presented? That metadata should be from that token_uri

but attributes not in metada
why other token-address included

I don’t know what you mean by attributes, that metadata seems to be the same that is obtained from that token_uri

for example
this token-address = 0x32b7495895264ac9d0b12d32afd435453458b1c6

return metadata:
{“id”:“urn:decentraland:ethereum:collections-v1:community_contest:cw_casinovisor_hat”,“name”:“Casino Visor”,“description”:“DCL Wearable 38/1000”,“language”:“en-US”,“image”:“https://peer.decentraland.org/content/contents/QmZurVVVQ1Qz47Lus8GMUPUe5gFmF14vrz6xWARBUoLamR",“thumbnail”:“https://peer.decentraland.org/content/contents/Qma2yrcuUkwvaKekYh6vFA1Tssq5DRKKo5LvrhUZg5e3ao”,“attributes”:[{“trait_type”:“Rarity”,“value”:“epic”},{“trait_type”:“Category”,“value”:“hat”},{“trait_type”:“Tag”,“value”:“hat”},{“trait_type”:“Tag”,“value”:“exclusive”},{“trait_type”:“Tag”,“value”:“launch”},{“trait_type”:“Tag”,“value”:“20.02.20”},{“trait_type”:“Tag”,“value”:“decentraland”},{“trait_type”:“Tag”,“value”:“community”},{“trait_type”:“Tag”,“value”:“wearables”},{“trait_type”:“Tag”,“value”:“exclusive”},{“trait_type”:"Body Shape”,“value”:“BaseMale”},{“trait_type”:“Body Shape”,“value”:“BaseFemale”}]}

attributes in metadata
but now in this token-address = 0x92133e21fff525b16d1edcf78be82297d25d1154
attributes not in metadata

that may be related on what every contract choses to have in metadata, the attributes part of metadata is not mandatory for every smart contract

nft api


return invalid hex number
curl -X ‘GET’
https://deep-index.moralis.io/api/v2/nft/{" + contract_address + “}​/{8888}?chain=eth&format=decimal” + offset + "’+
-H ‘accept: application/json’
-H ‘X-API-Key: mykey’