[SOLVED] Cannot create a Parse.File with that data

i am working with moralis file using react hooks ** useMoralisFile()** i face this error Cannot create a Parse.File with that data.

Here is My Upload Function

   function uploadFiles(){
    saveFile("abdul.jpeg", fileToUpload)


const App = () => {
  const {Moralis} = useMoralis()
  const {error, isUploading, moralisFile, saveFile } = useMoralisFile()
  const [fileToUpload, setUploadFile]  = useState("")
    //this is not  related
    //const addres = ' 0xAbEd40f031918D090c11a3ac4Bee9af76fB35cD4'

   function uploadFiles(){
    saveFile("abdul.jpeg", fileToUpload)
  {error && alert( error.message )}
       return <h1>you currently uploading metadata</h1>
  return <div>
  <h1>Let's Build Dapps using Moralis</h1>
  <input type='file' 
  onChange = {((e) => setUploadFile(e.target.value))}
  <button className='save' onClick={uploadFiles}> save file</button>

in vanilla js it is something like this: moralisFile = new Moralis.File("moralis_file_.png", document.getElementById("avatar").files[0]);

maybe it didnโ€™t get to the file content with e.target.value

I think thatโ€™s the problem but I still havenโ€™t got the idea to solve it Please show me an example of how you can solve
it in react

try to find out how to get the data for a file in react in general, I donโ€™t know yet how to do that in react

Oo! i had To Use e.target.files[0] instead of e.target.value


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