wow, you are right! There is this line in the code “expirationTime”: “2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z”. when I change it to 2024 then it works just fine. Thank you very much for your helps.
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I have got the below code, and it returns an error. I think the error is because the sign and send transaction is using the old Moralis API convention. Can you please help me adjust the code for the new API convention? All I need is to send a simple transaction to the wallet of the user for the sign-off. I want to sell a service on my website. So the user clicks the buy button, and he receives a metamask request to send me 0.1 ETH with pre/specified text in the input data.
you don’t use a moralis server for that (to send a transaction on chain), you can use any javascript code that you find online that shows how to send a transaction with metamask with web3 or ethers library